Now, I’m sure that many people, upon seeing a project of this magnitude, would simply decide that they don’t want to have to deal with all this. War may never change, but it is my hope that Fallout can, through the efforts of the large bethesda modding community.

Industry, trade, more cities, ammunition types, and improved enemies all work together to create a deeper and more engaging game world that allows the player to have an impact on the wasteland through more than just his or her actions in the main storyline. This overhaul intends to change that, by adding incentives to build settlements, and implementing systems into the game world that support these incentives. Bethesda’s addition of settlement building into Fallout 4 could have been a radical change for the series, instead, it was simply a way of making your own house. Unlike those two overhauls, however, this one focuses on one of Fallout 4’s most underused assets- the settlement system. This is an overhaul of the economy and gameplay of Fallout 4, similar in scope to the Fallout 3 Wanderer’s Edition and the Fallout New Vegas Project: Nevada.